Federal Stafford Loans

联邦直接补贴和无补贴斯塔福德贷款是由美国联邦政府提供的联邦学生贷款.S. 教育部为符合条件的学生帮助支付高等教育费用.

All Stafford Loans:

  • 在毕业六个月后,或者在你至少有一半的时间停止在高等教育的地方就读时,外围博彩平台偿还
  • Are set at a fixed-interest rate
  • 教育署有否从贷款款项中扣除申请费用

有关当前利率和发起费用的更多信息,请参见 studentaid.gov.

Subsidized Stafford Loans: Unsubsidized Stafford Loans:
  • Are available to students with financial need*
  • Are subsidized by the Department of Education, 当学生在学校注册至少一半时间时,哪个支付贷款利息
  • 不论经济需要与否,学生均可申请
  • 在贷款支付到你的学生账户时计息(通常在学期外围博彩平台前10天)


Annual Loan Limits

Freshmen Sophomore Junior and Senior
Dependent Student Total $5,500 $6,500 $7,500
Independent Student Total $9,500 $10,500 $12,500
Maximum Subsidized Portion (Based on Financial Need) $3,500 $4,500 $5,500
Additional Unsubsidized if Parent PLUS loan is denied $4,000 $4,000 $5,000



Dependent Student Total $31,000
Independent Student Total* $57,500
Maximum Subsidized Portion
(Based on Financial Need)


Federal PLUS Loans*

直接父母PLUS贷款是由美国政府提供的联邦贷款.S. 教育厅认为,受赡养本科生的家长可以申请帮助支付教育费用.

Here are some quick facts about Parent PLUS Loans:

  • The U.S. Department of Education is the lender.
  • The borrower must not have an adverse credit history.
  • 最高贷款金额是学生的出勤费减去收到的任何其他经济援助.
  • 他们的批准是基于对母公司的软信用检查.
  • 他们有一笔由教育部从贷款资金中扣除的发起费.
  • 还款在贷款发放后60天内外围博彩平台,如学生申请入学至少一半时间,可延期.** To learn more about Parent PLUS Loan repayment, visit Direct Parent PLUS Loans.


**注意:如果你的贷款被延期,在延期期间贷款将产生利息. 你可以选择在延期期间只付利息,但不需要这样做. To set up interest only payments, contact your servicer.

Application Process

The application is available online at studentaid.gov. 家长必须使用他们的FSA ID和密码(不是学生的)登录。. 你应该立即被告知你是被批准还是被拒绝. 一旦您的申请被提交,它将在24小时内直接发送到外围博彩平台.



  • 最高金额(学生的出勤费用减去所有其他经济援助)
  • 具体金额(家长选择贷款金额)
  • Unknown amount (contact financial aid counselor)

Once the application is complete, 家长还需要填写一份PLUS主本票 studentaid.gov (only needs to be completed once per child).

What if I am denied?


  • 获得一个没有不良信用记录的背书人. 在您完成申请时应提供背书人代码.
    • 您还需要为每笔已批准的贷款填写一份PLUS主本票.
  • 通过向教育部提交有关其不良信用记录的令人满意的减轻情况的文件,对信贷决定提出上诉.

如果任何一种情况属实,家长还需要在学校完成PLUS咨询 studentaid.gov before disbursements of the loan can be made.

If a parent is unable to obtain an endorser or appeal, 学生可能有资格获得额外的无补贴贷款,以帮助支付他或她的教育.

Interest Rates Fees Loan Transfer Policy
Interest rates are fixed for the life of the loan. To find the current interest rates, visit studentaid.ed.gov. There is a loan fee on all Direct PLUS Loans. 该费用是贷款金额的一个百分比,并按比例从每次贷款支付中扣除. For current loan fee information, visit studentaid.ed.gov. 向父母提供的PLUS贷款不能转移给子女. The parent is responsible for repaying the loan.

Private Education Loans


Here are some quick facts about private loans:

  • 利率和费用差别很大,可能取决于借款人的信用状况.
  • They have both fixed and variable-interest rate options.
  • Generally, students are required to have a cosigner.
  • 贷款金额不能超过出勤费减去所有其他经济援助.
  • They can be in the student or parent’s name.
  • They have no loan origination fee.
  • Repayment deferment options may vary.
  • 利息在贷款支付到你的学生账户时外围博彩平台累积(这通常是学期外围博彩平台前十天)。.

Where do I find a private loan?


  • Check with your personal bank or credit union
  • Try Fast Choice 查看和比较过去向外围博彩平台学生提供私人贷款的贷款人.
    • 请注意,您不需要在此列表中选择贷款人.
  • You can also visit ConsumerAffairs.com for helpful tips on how to choose a student loan lender.


Other Resources

Loan Codes of Conduct